
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wright. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death
Wright, Charles 1858
Wright, Charles 1885
Wright, Dan about 1870
Wright, Eda 1888
Wright, Eli 1868
Wright, Eliza 1865
Wright, Frank 1892
Wright, George 1901
Wright, Jack 1918-08-02 1989-01-31
Wright, John about 1831
Wright, John 1863
Wright, John 1890
Wright, Leslie    
Wright, Loussia 1874
Wright, Lucy 1899
Wright, Mary A about 1860
Wright, Rose 1896
Wright, Sam 1894
Wright, Thomas 1887
Wright, William 1883